Get below 200lbs
Get to Damascus VA on the Appalachian Trail
Do something I have never done before
Read at least one book a month on Leadership I think it helps all of us to set Goals. It helps you to stay focused. I dare you to set some goals and post them on the blog. :) You got to be brave! I am also excited about Yoder's this year. It is a new year and I believe we have a great chance to increase sales and profitability this year. We had a chance to reset our business for the market that we face and I am excited about our future. Anytime there is a downsizing, there is a talk that goes on about being in trouble or closing it's doors. I can assure you that Yoder's will be around for a long time. Yoder's is way more than an just an investment for our family it is a passion about serving and bettering our community and those people we serve as well as making a difference in God's Kingdom. We want to continue the legacy of "Grandad" and Mr. Floyd and be about the greater good. A couple of things to think about:
One of the worst things you can do is raise expectations and then dash them. You can still be better than your competition but if you set an expectation you can't keep you gave out disappointment. Our business needs to be about exceeding expectations. NEVER over sell and under deliver.
How much extra would you pay for a plane that is always on time or a surgery that is guaranteed to work. Is Yoder's that reliable? You see reliability is worth something. It gives "Peace of Mind". Maybe that should be Yoder's new Motto. "Yoder's gives Peace of Mind". It doesn't work if you slip in the word "ALMOST " though.
Team work is important at Yoder's. Ask yourself this question. Who has got your back? More importantly ask Whose back do I have?
New Year!