About Us
JP Short II moved to Tifton, GA in 1910 to work with his Brother-in-law Jack Taylor at Taylor Hardware & Furniture. In 1917, He and his wife Linda opened Short Hardware on Main Street in Tifton GA. JP Short III took over the store in 1932 after the deaths of both of his parents. JP operated Short Hardware through the depression until 1939. After a short stint at Rodenberry’s Hardware, JP and his Uncle HP Paulk founded Short & Paulk in 1941 in an old warehouse along the railroad tracks on South Main Street in Tifton, GA. Our first phone number was 97. Short & Paulk always has sold building materials, but in the early days they were also heavily involved in the agricultural supply business, selling tractors, farm implements, feeds, seeds, and fertilizers. Short & Paulk was also a distributor for Diamond-T trucks.

Today, third generation family member J.P. (Jay) Short V serves as CEO. Short & Paulk currently operates 5 Lumberyards - Home Centers, Short & Paulk in Tifton, Sylvester, Leesburg, Dawson and Cuthbert. In addition, we operate a Door Assembly shop in Tifton. Short & Paulk currently employs around 100 full and part-time employees. Our fleet of trucks deliver building products to jobsites all over South Georgia, North Florida, and Southeast Alabama. At Short & Paulk, we supply products that build dreams.